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A new certainty...

You're currently making a very difficult phone call. I'm waiting for you to come back to me, to help ease things, as I'm able. This is the first time you'll be able to come to me after something like this, and I'm very glad I can be here for you. So often, I've wished I could wrap you up in my arms when you were struggling, and today I can. This week has been a lot of small firsts for us, but this may well be the most important.

The next few months will be difficult, even at their best. But we're proving this week that we're able to work together well to navigate things side by side in ways we already knew we would. That's important, I think, and another certainty to add to our already long list. We'll get through this, as we get through everything, tillsammans. I love you, my sweet girl, with all my heart.

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