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Adventure and comfort...

A lot of our love is based in excitement and adventure. We both love to explore new places, both in the world and inside ourselves and each other. It’s an amazing feeling to have a partner to whom we can say, “I just heard of this new thing, wanna try it?” and have their response be, “Sure, I’m open to that!” pretty much all the time. We’ve been dreaming and planning since very early on, and I love it. That being said…

The other part of us is perhaps even more foundational and necessary to our ability to thrive and grow, because, while we’re the thrill of things new and interesting, we’re also comfort and calm. Yesterday was a bit scary for you, a few times and, as has happened so often, we touched base, found time to talk, to see one another, and it helped you, just as, when it’s my turn to be on the anxiety roller coaster, it helps me. In no relationship should one person do most or all of the carrying of the emotional weight of things, but in a good, healthy one, that burden is evenly shared most of the time, while each person knows that the other can take most or all of it, and will, when necessary. 

We are a comfort to one another. Seeing your smile when you first see me always lightens my heart, just as I can always make you laugh, no matter how stressed or scared or sad you are. That comes from a sense of safety, from a place of inner shared calm. We talk a lot about the concept of being the safe harbor during the chaotic storms that life inevitably brings, but I don’t know that we often enough talk about the fact that, when the storms aren’t raging, which they usually aren’t, in a life well lived, a safe harbor is also the best place to prepare for a new journey, an expedition into waters unknown. So maybe the reason so much of our love can be rooted in exploration and adventure is because of the deep comfort in which it is. Just like us, it’s a sort of beautiful symbiosis, where one feeds the other and both thrive. I like that thought, and I love you, my sweet girl, endlessly and always.

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