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Asking for connection...

Last night, as we were chatting during your shift, you asked if I could call you for a bit. You snuck off into the break room, and we talked for about fifteen minutes, which seemed to help ease your heart some. This morning, driving home, you apologized for asking me to do that. I told you, of course, that it wasn’t an imposition, as it never is, and that I got something from it, too, in that I got to see you, hear your voice, and spend a little bit of bonus time with you in the day. So I thought it might be good to sort of talk a bit more about that here.

Now that we know for certain that we’re going to be together, that there is no force in the world that will keep us from reaching that, even if the road there is bumpy, we rarely need to ask for reassurance about that aspect of things (though it will still almost certainly happen sometimes, because we’re both humans with trauma and all, hehe). What’s taken its place, I think, is the need to be close, to connect more frequently, to take advantage of one of the greatest things about having a healthy, supportive partner. So, from time to time, because while the future is certain, it’s still a bit far off, we’ll still need to ask for a little bit of connection, and that’s not only perfectly okay, but downright healthy. I love you, and you love me, and we’re currently having to be apart for stints here and there, so I feel like it’s reasonable that we need one another when things get stressful, or we feel lonely, or the longing gets to be too much. If anything, it’s a sign of the degree of love and safety in our relationship. And I’ll most certainly need it, myself, too. 

In short, and yes, for me, this is short, hehe, I love you, my sweet girl. We’re doing a great job of handling the things we need to navigate, but it’s not always easy. The thing is, we’ve got one another, always, and that makes it easier. I’ve got you, and you’ve got me, now and always.

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