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Charting a course...

We had a date last night. After a long day, that time with you was sorely needed. You are always a balm to my heart and soul, my love. Over the course of four hours, we talked about things that ran the gamut from light, funny interludes, to more serious discussions about the future and your frustrations with the present. We went over the difficulties of the last few days, making sure to shore up any places where either of us lacked understanding, or needed a last little bit of reassurance. In every bit of it, whether we were talking the practicalities of what a life living together would look like, offering support, or even giggling (in a very manly way, on my part, of course, hehe) about sex, we were beautifully us. 

A lifelong relationship isn’t a sprint, though there are certainly times when it can feel like it. It’s a cross country run, a marathon. It takes patience, planning, and effort. It’s why I think we’ll go the distance. We’re both dreams and planners, so we’ve got the imagination to create amazing things, but the pragmatism to make them happen. It’s easy to dream about big things, even to want them and try to reach them, but it takes perseverance to make them happen. And that we’ve got, because we both want this more than most anything ever. And we’re actively making it happen, which is exciting and wonderful. I love you, my sweet girl, and we’ve got this. Tillsammans.

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