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Choose you...

The last night we spoke, when we were sitting in the dark together, finally speaking our fears, I said something to you that I wanted to remind you of here, so you can hold on to it. I told you that I wanted you to be happy, regardless of whether that meant I would be a part of that. You insisted that I would, and I believe you. It’s why I put these letters in these bottles, and will do so until you’re safely in my arms. But I want to say this again; I’m not asking you to choose me. That…wouldn’t be right, nor would it be fair. That’s never been what I wanted. What I want, more than anything, is for you to choose you.

Choose the brilliant, beautiful soul that you’ve shared with me. Choose to be curious. Choose to have faith in the things you cannot see or touch. Choose to know your heart. Choose not to allow anyone else, including me, to define you if it doesn’t feel right. Choose the things that make you happy, that bring you joy, that satisfy you, that fulfill you. Choose to follow that amazing heart that, for whatever reason, found me, saw me, and keeps choosing me, because my heart chooses you, too. Don’t let anyone, anyone, tell you who you have to be, because the person you’re becoming as you choose yourself more and more lately is…amazing.

Know that I will support and encourage and embrace every part of it, every part of what you do, what you are, and what you become as you step outside of the boxes of others’ expectations of you. And know that I will stand by you, have your back, challenge you, and, most of all, love you, through every version of you that you choose to be, and I hope, more than anything, that, in choosing you, I get to be a part of that world, so we can keep choosing one another for the rest of our life together. I love you, fiercely and dearly, and I’ll be right here, now and always.

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