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You used to tell me that you didn’t think we’d ever run out of things to talk about, and I’d just smile and agree. We are both such curious souls, always interested in knowing more, digging deeper, exploring inside ourselves and out in the great, wide world. There’s a particular sparkle that you get in your eyes when something catches your interest, and it lights up my spirit. I know, when that spark is lit, that we’re going to spend hours talking about something, working at it, learning the shape of it in our hands and minds. 

There are myriad things in the world, more than we could ever possibly count, to experience, and I want to share them all with you. I want to learn, to dream, to grow. I want conversations that begin at dusk, carry us in whispers through the heart of night, and into the soft golden light of the next day. I want to lie on a hill with my head on your lap as we ponder the infinite beauty of a shared life well lived, so that I can look up at you, at that sparkle in your eyes, and see the sun’s majesty pale by comparison. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, learning you, inside and out, as you learn me in turn. Take my hand, my love, and dream a while with me. I love you, dearly, and I’ll be here, now and always.

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