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While I’ve written about the difficulties, and occasional benefits, of time, I have yet to really address the other factor that makes our relationship somewhat different at the moment, the distance. Writing to you now from nearly 1800 miles away, in the cool, grey of a rainy dawn, my heart is longing for you intensely (though, in truth, I’ve sometimes felt the same from across the bed, or the kitchen). The distance is hard on the good days, but more so on the rougher ones, when a touch, a kiss, or the safety of one another’s arms is all that we want. While I’ll have you here again soon, at the moment, the distance feels immeasurable. 

Still, I think that the distance has made us stronger, in a sense. Because we’ve had to rely on words, we’ve become better at communicating, for one. We have learned to navigate things that starting this in person would have never allowed us to do. We have gotten to know one another’s minds, hearts, and souls without the (admittedly very pleasant) physical distractions that being in the same room can lead to, especially early in a relationship. We’ve walked down long, deep conversational pathways that most traditional relationships don’t go down for months, because, even with the distance, we both still crave the constant connection and curiosity about one another. I know you better for having not been able to touch you for the first few months of us, though, when I can, it is truly beautiful.

This morning, waking without you beside me, has been hard, as it always is. I’m grateful for what the distance has given us, but wish dearly that the span where it is so present would come to a swift end. I cannot wait to spend my days in your presence, and I give you my word that I will never let the amazing relationship that’s grown in the space between us diminish just because that space is no more. What we have made together by being apart is much too powerful and beautiful to let go. I will hold it, and you, now and always. I love you, my sweet girl.

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