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I’ve never been a fatalist. I’m very firmly on team free will. While I believe that life tends to lead us where we need to be, to people and places that we need to learn from until we finally do, I don’t think there’s some grand plan. You, though, have confounded me a bit, there. See, I’m very good at patterns. I’ve always been able to take the long view, backwards and forwards, and seeing all the pieces that came together to get me where I am. With you, the more I learn of your past and my own, and the people into whom they shaped each of us, it’s increasingly hard to write it all off to coincidence. Despite my romantic heart, and my absolute love of both the word and concept of serendipity, I never truly thought things were even meant to be. Then I met you. 

Suddenly, all the self-reflection I’ve done, the painstaking work of understanding how I’d been shaped into the man that I am, made sense. Sure, it was still free will. I chose to learn the things that I did (or didn’t), but far too many of them seem to fit you perfectly that it’s just not wholly rational to toss out the idea that we were sort of…made for one another. Because, here’s the really odd thing, you seem to be the same way. All the good things and bad things that made us, well, us, seemed to have also made us into the person the other both needs and wants. It borders on miraculous. You know, if I believed in that sort of thing. 

Regardless of why we are as we are, and whether there’s some great plan that brought us together for whatever reason, Please know that I love you, fiercely, and I will always, always, be right here, should you need me.

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