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Ghost of Christmas future...

I’m daydreaming about the holidays today, while you’re off having an adventure with the girls. I gather that, in the past, things have been a little less festive in your home. That is…not how it works here. I’ve loved the holidays since I was a child, the way it feels, cozy and kind, with a chill in the air. It’s my favorite time of year, by far, starting in autumn and lasting well past New Year’s Day. You already know the story of why a Christmas tree is important to me, and I imagine, with my mom having passed now, it’ll be even more so this year. But that’s not all that’s special. This will be the first year that we get to decorate together.

It says something for how much I love you that I’m putting off decorating the house for an entire week to wait for you, hehe. But I am, and gladly, because I can’t wait to see the way you light up when, well, we light things up and put out all the Christmas decor. While I wish very much that I could spend Christmas with you, I think we’ll make it special, all the same, just a little early. And next year, I hope I’ll get to see you on Christmas morning, after a day of celebrating on Christmas Eve (see, I listen). We’ll have food, quiet music, family, and, most of all, one another, and the love we share. It’ll be pretty perfect, I think. Things with us usually seem to be. I love you, my sweet girl, and I hope to be able to give you many, many merry Christmases to come.

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