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Healing is hard. God, is it hard, especially as we work to free ourselves of the situations that caused the wounds to begin with. Even if we've taken steps to prevent further damage, it's often exhausting to hold those walls firm against the patterns that made them necessary. It's how we grow, but it's never easy, and, very often, broken and healing look the same at the start. But they aren't, not really.

When we find a place that offers for the first time peace, solace, and an environment that fosters healing, rather than hindering it, the sense of relief can be incredible. It can also be terrifying, at times, because of the completely human fear of losing it. The lingering pain of our wounds, and the inherent instability of the patterns that made them, make it harder to feel safe, even when we know we are. But here's the thing…

We are safe here, both of us. We came into this with vulnerability, bearing our scars openly, and they were met, every single time, with tenderness, compassion, unwavering love, and, above all else, acceptance. Your hands and heart touch and care for me with more grace, patience, and kindness than I've ever experienced, my sweet girl, and I try very hard to return that. And, because of our efforts, we both flourish in the light of this love, and this healing space we've created around us. I'm so proud of what we've done, and who we are together.

I know this week has been extra trying. You've been mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, and so have I. But we've consistently made time, and filled it with love. After our mini date yesterday afternoon, we said how wonderful it as that we were able to, without fail, feel infinitely better after spending time together, even when difficult things came up. That's the deep sense of safety and love doing its work.

There is nothing, no difficulty, no mistake, no anything that could make me give this up, because, while hurt is inevitable when two people share a life, harm isn't. Hurt, when tended well and in good time, not only heals, but strengthens. Only when unaddressed or tended poorly does it become lasting harm. And we never let that happen. We're caretakers, healers, by nature. We're let's talk about it people. We are, in short, amazing.

You said yesterday that you want to be someone who listens and is open. Baby, I've truly never met anyone who is more so that than you. It's why I feel completely safe in your heart, always. We aren't defined by our mistakes, but rather how we learn from them. You will always have grace with me, just as you've always given it in return. I don't give up on people, and I'm certainly never giving up on the happiest, safest, most profoundly beautiful relationship, or woman, I've ever known. You are my future, my Home, my dreams come true. I love you, my sweet girl, with everything that I am, every part of you, even the ones that are still healing.

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