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Here, then away...

It seems like each time you come home, then head back, the distance feels a little more acutely painful. We had a difficult conversation this morning. While we navigated it well, and came out stronger on the other side, we both felt the need for touch, to hold and be held. I’ve never before had a relationship where touch was so profoundly meaningful as it is with you. When your hand is in mine, or when you’re lying in my arms, I can feel my heart slow down, my breathing calm, and my body relax. I have never known peace like that, and I love you dearly for it, but it makes its absence so much more difficult. Still…

In the not too distant future, we’ll be together for good, sharing a space, building a home, a life. You said earlier today, after everything, that we’re going to take such good care of one another, and you’re absolutely right. When we’re together, physically, we work in such a smooth, natural way, whether we’re cooking, cleaning, or anything else we do together, which is most everything. Now that we have a place to be, I can’t help but dream wistfully of the days when I’ll be able to be with you always. I can’t wait. I love you, my sweet girl, truly and deeply.

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