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In the hard times...

Twice yesterday, you called me in tears. And twice, I helped you to find some semblance of peace, or as much as can be found in the current situation. I wish that I had some way of lifting all of these burdens from you, of whisking you away to a life where things weren’t so difficult. Though, I suppose, in a sense, that’ll be happening tomorrow, when you come back home for a week. I know it isn’t quite the same, but I hope that it’s something, that it eases your heart some to be in arms that love you without expectations, to be in a place where you can be yourself without fear. That, at least, I can offer you. 

When one of us struggles, our natural inclination is to band together, to figure it out, to work towards solutions, no matter how difficult the work may be to get there. It’s so much harder to watch helplessly as someone you love implodes, walking heedlessly down a path of self-destruction. At times like those, painful as it may be, the best we can do is try to shield ourselves and those around us from unnecessary harm, lest we get dragged down with them. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to watch this, my dear heart. 

You told me last night that you think this is the hardest your life has ever been, and I told you that I was going to do my best to make sure that was the case by always working with you to assure that things never get this bad again for you, or for us. Please always remember that, no matter what, I will always have your back, and be here to support you. I love you, with all that I am, now and always.

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