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Part of your world...

Becoming a part of someone's everyday life, part of their world that's a given, rather than an exciting occasional guest starring role, is always nice. It's a sign of moving into a new, deeper phase of commitment in the relationship, which is great and all, but it's often also a little bit sad for me, because it often means the initial rush is gone for them. We slip into a comfortable routine, where they find a place for me in their world and, over time, it becomes the only place for me there. It's a normal progression, but it isn't how my heart works, so I often miss those early days, when they wanted to share their whole world with me.

With you, though, that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm not sure it ever will be. The more of one another we get to know, the more we both seem to want to know. You consistently like having me around, including me in your day to day life, as a partner, friend, and lover alike. It's beautiful, and it makes me feel so loved, wanted, and safe that the romance and care that is my natural inclination is not just appreciated, but reciprocated, in a healthy way. We don't need one another constantly, but we want it, because everything is just a little better when it's shared with the other.

Thank you, for having a heart that I can't imagine will ever tire of me, or take our love for granted, just as mine will never do so of yours. The way you are will never cease to amaze me. You are beautiful to me, my sweet girl, and I'm so glad you found me. I love you, fiercely and dearly, now and always.

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