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The last week or so, life has been a bit more hectic than usual for both of us. You’ve had visitors from out of town, and I spent half of it on the road back home after my mom’s passing. Despite that, though, we’ve always been able to find time to connect, even if only in stolen moments here and there. A handful of times, you’ve even drawn some boundaries with others in your life to do so. I can’t express how important that makes me feel to you, that you prioritize me that way. I’m not so much used to that, and it feels kind of wonderful to know that you want that time with me as much as I want it with you. As I write this, I wonder whether that’s the way you feel when I ask for your work schedule so that I can build mine around it to give us time together. 

I think that’s an important thing in a relationship, making one another a priority. Not all the time, of course, as life is full of things that have to come first, but sometimes, when possible. The effort to carve time out for one another feels like the sort of intentionality that drives deep connection. We all need to feel wanted, valued, even missed, in our absence. Sometimes, when we’re finally able to see one another for the first time in a while, the look of relief and happiness on your face when we first do, something I’m sure is reflected in mine, as well, makes my heart soar. I have never met anyone who sees me the way you do, who longs for me in the same way that I do you. I hope we never stop making that effort with one another, because I want to be 95 and see that look every time I come into the room. I love you, my sweet girl, with all my heart and soul.

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