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I found this note tonight. Remember the night I wrote it? You were feeling a little nervous, and asked me why I want you, why I love you, as I do, so I wrote this to remind you. I worry that you may not have had a chance to take it with you, so I'll send it out, so you can have it always. I love you, my sweet girl, and I'll be right here, now and always.

The top of the list's hard, even for me, to describe, but the deep sense of comfort and love and feeling wanted that we bring into this. It's the feeling that comes with touch and the way you smile at me and all of that stuff.

Then the thing I was just talking about, the way we spark one another's intellect and curiosity, and like to dive into each other and ourselves, to learn and grow, knowing that the other is fully supportive, while also loving us just as we are in whatever moment.

Next would probably be our sense of humor. I love making you laugh, and seem to be pretty good at it.

The way that our shared romantic sense is so well matched. That you would cry if I ever wrote you a poem on the back of a napkin, or the way my heart feels when you send me music, that we can dance across the world together to the songs of our hearts.

The way you make me feel seen and wanted, in every sense of the word. How kind and thoughtful you are. How you've never once flinched at the difficult parts of me, nor hidden the difficult parts of you.

The fact that you are stunning, that you want me as much as I want you, sexually, and how, again, on the same wavelength we are, about the sweet, intimate, intense way we approach making love, and how our shared curiosity goes there, too.

The wildness in your soul that calls to the wildness in mine, and drives us to have adventures great and small. That you want to know who I was, who I am, and who I will be, just as I do you.

...I could keep going, heh.

And probably will, for as long as we're together.

But I think, at least for the moment, that I've made my point. Also, there's no real order to those things. They're just all there, all the time, with one or two coming to the front depending upon whether we're talking in earnest about our futures or fears or dreams, or you're, you know, letting me see your legs and stretch marks.

Though I suppose I could have just said I love you, and gotten that all across there. But sometimes it's nice to use all the words.

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