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Roads not taken #2...

Once upon a time…

Do you remember our first apartment? It was that little walkup above the bookstore. I couldn’t have been more than 22, so you’d have only been 18 or so. We were both in school, you at the start, and me nearing the end. I’d been living in that efficiency studio with the weird cat next door that would always stare at us when we’d come home. There was hardly enough room for me, much less the both of us, but you were insistent that we be together, and who was I to argue? So we went looking. 

Given that our price point was about ten bucks over dirt poor, we got really lucky meeting Mrs. Alexander. I didn’t think we’d be able to afford the place, but I’m pretty sure she dropped the rent just enough to be sure we could make it. The way she looked at you and I, maybe we reminded her of she and her husband when they were starting out. If I recall, he’d just recently passed, back then. I miss her sometimes, too.

The bay window, remember the one? It had the seat with that awful floral pattern. You used to love to sit there and watch the people down on the street while I’d play on the guitar. I’m not sure how you put up with me back then, but you’d just listen and smile that way you do, and I could’ve played till my fingers bled, just to keep you smiling. 

How we managed to fit into that bed is still beyond me, but I’d get in, and you’d curl up into me, my arm across your back, and I don’t know that I’ve ever slept as well as I did back then, especially when it would rain, and the raindrops would patter down all night on the old tin roof. It reminded me of being a kid in the trailer again, only I wasn’t alone anymore. I never would be, really. You’d never let me go. Not that I’d ever want you to.

I’ve loved all the places we’ve lived, and our cottage now is exactly what we’d always dreamt of, but sometimes I miss that old place, and that old bed. But I wouldn’t trade a moment of the life we’ve shared for it. I love you, my sweet girl. And I’ll be right here, now and always.

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