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Something worth fighting for...

I told you once that one of the reasons that I love you as fiercely as I do is that you are the only person I’ve ever been with who has fought for me. You didn’t seem to believe me, at first, so I told you the stories of my past relationships, of the love and often quiet loss that marks my romantic history. Afterward, you held me, and told me that you’d never stop fighting for us, and I swore the same thing. And we never have, whether the fight is against circumstance, those who would keep us apart, or, and this is the most telling, against the parts of ourselves that need to be healed. We do the work, and support one another in their work. It’s why we get stronger every day and, as we do, the fight gets a little easier, the trust grows a little deeper, and the love…the love blossoms.

I have often lamented my perception, especially the ability to see patterns. Being with you, though, has taught me a lot about its value. It’s led to some very difficult realizations, but those revelations have, every time, also led to deep healing, as they did the last few days. As well, I can also see when a pattern breaks well, becomes something different and wonderful. You’ve helped me to see that, too, by making it so as frequently as we have. I love our relationship, my sweet girl, our life, and, most of all, I love you, so very, very much.

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