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The age of the soul...

Last night, we  spent time after making love talking about the age of the soul. It was very much a conversation we’d have, discussing the nature of things like reincarnation and the refining process by which one becomes, across lifetimes, more enlightened and prepared to truly move on from this world. I love our capacity to have these deep, wandering dialogues about the most random, interesting things.

Over the course of our discussion, you told me all about the people in your world as you were growing up, and how you’d held to pieces of them, some you were proud of, others not so much. I, for what it may be worth, love all the parts of you, even the ones from which you’re working to grow away. Whether in this life, or across a multitude of lives, part of what makes humans, and you especially, to me, so beautiful is our infinite capacity for change. We can always be different, if we choose to be, somehow. 

And that’s one of the greatest things about being in this relationship with you, my baby. I feel myself growing, changing, becoming a better version of myself, just by being with you. You tell me constantly that you love me just as I am, as I do you, and, for the first time in my life, I believe it when I’m told that. Funnily, knowing that I am loved so truly gives me the freedom to explore and grow. I hope very much that we always remain so fertile for that sort of growth. I can’t wait to see what we become in the light of one another’s love, how our souls ripen. I love you, my sweet girl, now and always.

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