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The days to come...

You’ll be leaving in two days time, not for quite as long as when last we had to part, but longer than I’d like. A great deal will happen in that span, though, important things. I wish very much I could be by your side through it all, but the doing of those things will help me to eventually be so. I’ll offer what support I can from here, all the same. The longing has already begun.

This week has been wonderful. There have been so many beautiful, connective moments, deep conversations, practical problem solving sessions, and touch. So much touch. We both seem to be trying to soak in as much of that as possible, so that we can steel ourselves against the lean times to come, when words will have to suffice in place of gentle hands, strong arms, and soft lips. But we’ll manage. We always do. And, if things go as planned, it won’t be terribly long until I won’t ever have to leave your side again. I love you, my sweet girl, come what may, now and always.

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