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The new apartment!

You went through the new apartment for the first time today! It’s pretty perfect, spacious, lots of natural light, and a lovely little patio area. As you walked through it today, sending me pictures, you kept saying how cozy it felt, and that certainly came through. Looking at them, talking with you, I could envision a life there with you, and my heart ached for it. Though so much is up in the air right now, doing this together really felt like a victory. While you attended to other business, I had the power, gas, and internet turned on, and worked on a few things for you. Even miles apart, we still work so well as a team. 

Tonight, you’re feeling very stressed, with so many things going on all at once, so I told you that I’d keep working on things to help plan for the next few weeks, while you and I spent our time chatting about the future, and the things involved in making the apartment ours down the road. I can’t wait to be there with you, whenever we can manage that. You kept telling me last night and today how much you wished we were together, and it always makes me feel very wanted and special when you do. I, of course, want the same thing. I love you, my sweet girl, with all that I am.

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