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The solace of one another...

I’ve just had an exhausting set of sessions. I was bolstered going into it by thoughts of you this morning, of walks in the cool, early hours of the day as we talk about philosophy, history, ourselves…us, really, in the endless, wonderful conversation that we fell into so easily, and have carried on since, and will forever, I think. It’s one of my favorite things about us. We can be silly and flirty one moment, and ponder the nature of cruelty and kindness the next. It is truly beautiful. Your mind is beautiful.

Still, armored though I was going into it all by your sweet memory, the war was a hard one today. Your bard is exhausted, heart and soul worn, mind tired. I wish very much that I could come to you, rest my head in your lap, and talk of easier things, see the way you smile at me, the smile that is just mine, as you run your fingers through my hair, and I wrap my arms around your waist, holding you to me as the anchor that you are when I am adrift. Someday, I know I will, just as I know that I will hold you and be your haven when the world has become too much. For that, amongst so many other things, I love you, my sweet girl, and I will be here, now and always.

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