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Unpacking dreams...

It will come as no surprise to you that I’m a dreamer, given that it’s a trait we share. I will often spend the minutes between sessions, or waiting for one thing or another, daydreaming about various aspects of our life together, even the ones further down the road. One of the things I enjoy most about our relationship is that I can always share these dreams with you, just as you can with me. One evening, when we were looking towards the future, we started to talk about marriage and, more specifically, what our potential wedding may look like. 

It began as another fun, interesting discussion about the differing aspects of the way our respective cultures approach the whole thing. I appreciate the more practical, egalitarian approach that yours takes, with both participants being equals, and making the choices together, and you appreciated some of the slightly more fanciful, romantic touches that come from mine. As we got into more specifics, though, you seemed to struggle a little. I, of course, tried to understand why, because I will always seek to ease your heart, however I can, but also because, for someone as romantic and dreamy as you are, it seemed a bit strange that you had never given a wedding much thought.

Eventually, you told me that none of your past partners had wanted to get married, so some part of you just sort of tucked the idea away in a box and put it in the back of your mind. I wished that I could have held your hand, in that moment, because I could feel the sadness and longing there in that simple acceptance. It was very familiar to me, as my own mind is filled with those little boxes of things I thought I could never have, as well.

Until you…In the span that I’ve known you, you’ve already begun to open so many of those little boxes, unpack them gently, and show me that I can have so much of what I always dreamt, with you. And I want to say that here, too. There is no dream of yours that I don’t want to hear, that I won’t fully embrace and encourage. I love when you get excited about a new idea or dream, and I want to spend the rest of my life unpacking all your little boxes, too. I love you, my sweet girl, and we will dream forever, and work to make as many of them come true as we can.

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