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As you well know, I have always been a romantic and a dreamer, so it should come as no surprise that I’m always happy to wish upon a falling star, toss a coin in a wishing well, or any other fanciful thing. My whole life, I’ve wished for the same things, to find joy, love, a home. I suspect now that I’ve been wishing for you, my love, even before I knew your name. You seem to be the answer to every wish I’ve ever made.

We’ve talked, at length, about the way we feel for one another, as though a piece we’d never truly known was missing had somehow fallen into place when we met and, each time we go deeper into our love, we seem to fit even more. I know now that there was a part of my heart that wasn’t so much missing as waiting to be filled. I truly believe it’s why I’ve always been so hopeful, so sure that, no matter how dark my life became, the sun would always rise, that there would always be a tomorrow, in as much as that can ever be guaranteed. That certainty was derived from some deeper knowledge, I think, that you were out there, as well, searching for me, too.

When the clock switched to 11:11 this morning, I was beside Lake George, watching the wind blow across the water, and I thought of you. My heart still wished, of course, because I will always be a dreamer and a romantic, but this time, I asked for you, for us to navigate the road before us as well as we have thus far, so that we can find a way to make the home we’ve already begun to build in one another. And I know we can, we will. Tillsamman. I love you, my beautiful girl, and I'll be right here, wishing to hold you in my arms, now and always.

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